Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Week of Mar. 5- Mar. 9

This week at a glance:

Math: We are starting measurement. We will be comparing objects using vocabulary words longer than, shorter than and same as etc.
Science: Day and Night. During Science Lab we will be making murals of things we see during day and night.

Reading: Blending sounds, separating syllables and introducing word family -ip. New sight words are made, this and that.

Writing: Writing non-fiction books. Keep working on writing complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation, writing benchmarks are coming up!

Important Events:

Mar. 5-9- Book Fair in Library
Mar. 8- Open House 5:30

Have a great Spring Break! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Week of Feb. 27- Mar. 2

Whoops, I completely forgot to update last week!

This week in Math we are learning to count to 100 by 2's, 5's and 10's. Practice at home!

In Science, we are learning about the seasons and weather changes.

During Reading we will be talking about ending sounds and parts of a story. Our sight words are: then, little and will. Our word family will be -ut. I will also be finishing DRA testing your child's reading level. The results will appear on the third 9 weeks report card.

In Writers Workshop we will continue to write non-fiction how-to books. We will also be reading Dr. Seuss stories in honor of his birthday Friday and writing responses. We are continuing to work towards our goal of using punctuation and capitalization correctly.

In Social Studies we are still learning about holidays and traditions. 

Events this week:
2/28-3/1: Mock STAAR Testing, closed campus. No outclass, no recess.
3/2: Dr. Seuss'  Birthday, Texas Independence Day (dress western!)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Week of Feb. 13-17

This week at a glance:

Math: Continuing learning about patterns. Ask your child about AB, ABC, AAB patterns etc.

Science: Space and objects in the sky, we're making telescopes in the Science Lab Friday so bring in paper towel rolls!

Reading: Learning about ending sounds and introducing word family -un and -en. New sight words are from, with, as and run.

Writing: Writing valentines to loved ones using complete sentences, punctuation, capitals etc.

Important Events:

Feb. 14- Valentine's Day Party at 2pm
Feb. 15- School Picture Day :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Week of Feb. 6 - Feb. 10

In Math this week we are continuing more and fewer. Please continue to work with your child on this concept by making two groups of objects and comparing them. If you have a deck of cards at home, ask your child to teach you the "more than" game.

In Science, we are learning about objects in the sky. We will be making telescopes on Friday so please send in any paper towel or toilet paper rolls you have laying around the house.

In Reading we are learning about the -ay word family. Our new word wall words are her, his, play and day.

In Writing, we are writing our own non-fiction books about a subject of the student's choice.
We are still focusing on using the correct punctuation, spaces and capital/lower case letters. Please have your child practice writing complete sentences at home.

In Social Studies, we are learning about patriotic holidays and the history behind Valentine's Day.

Have a great week!

Please keep reading and have your child (not you) write the book title in their homework folder.

Important Events:
Feb. 8- Early Dismissal/Parent Conferences

Other Information: 

Valentine's Party: Our party will be on Tuesday, February 14th. A note about it is going home in Tuesday Folders as well as a class list for Valentines. Please have your student write his or her classmates names on the Valentines themselves. It's good writing practice :) 

New website to visit: Cookie

Keep sending in Box Tops!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 3

Monday we are celebrating the 100th day of school!!! We will be doing all sorts of fun activities all day. Don't forget to send your student to school with their 100 items for Hide and Tell.

In Math, we are learning about more and fewer. Please continue to work with your child on determining how many more or less objects there are as it is a difficult concept for them.

In Science, we are learning about objects in our sky.

In Reading, our sight words are dear, for, or, had. Our word family is -ad. We are continuing to use our reading strategies in reading informational, non-fiction books. 

In Writing we are using our non-fiction books to do research and write facts in complete sentences. By this time in the year students should be writing complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation.  

In Social Studies, we are talking about traditions and celebrating Groundhog Day! 

Bring 100 items Monday. Keep reading at least 20 minutes, have your child read to you! 

Important Dates: 
1/30- 100th Day of School!  

Other Information:

Parent Conferences- Please send in your conference forms as soon as possible. They went home last week in Tuesday folders. I will be sending home appointment reminders later this week. 

Box Tops- Keep sending them in! All the money goes back to our school. 

Websites- A new favorite in the computer lab is ABCya, they also have an App for the IPad and Iphone.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Week of Jan. 23 - Jan. 27

In Math we are continuing to focus on learning to identify and write our numbers up to 20. Next Monday is the 100th day of school, look for more information coming home this week.

In Science we are being scientists and conducting experiments about motion.

In Reading this week we are continuing to use our Helping Hand reading strategies to help us decode new words. Our sight words for the week are you, are, by and bed.

In Writing Workshop the students are writing about the books we are reading during Reader's Workshop. We are focusing on using neat handwriting, using spaces and punctuation.

In Social Studies this week we are learning about George Washington.

Important Dates: 
Monday Jan. 23- We are celebrating Chinese New Year!
Tuesday Jan. 24- Money for Math/Science night is due.
Thursday Jan. 26- Math/Science Night at AFE 5:30pm

Keep sending in box tops! Make sure you are sending the actual box top and not the advertisement from the front of the box.

The due date for money for Math/Science Night has been extended to Tuesday January 24th. Don't miss this opportunity to tailgate at AFE and learn all about the Math, Science and Technology projects going on at our school!

We are running dangerously low on several necessary items in our classroom right now. If you can help by donating any of the following things we would very much appreciate it!
-Glue Sticks

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Week of Jan.17-20

This week we are starting to learn about numbers 10-20. Please practice writing these numbers neatly and the correct direction with your child. We are almost to the 100th day of school, ask your child what day of school we are on...

In Science, we are using magnets to talk about motion.

In Reading we are reading the book "Snow." Our sight words are one, day and get. Keep reading with your child at home. With your help we are becoming awesome readers!

In Writing we are talking about including setting in our writing. Keep working on handwriting at home!

In Social Studies we are finishing up learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and starting to learn about Stephen F. Austin.

Important Information:

Box Tops:  We are starting to collect box tops to raise money for our school. Click here to see a list of products you can find box tops on.

Important Dates:
1/20- Last day to turn in food order forms for Math/Science Night next Thursday. We are selling hot dogs, chips and drinks and for $5 you can get a football themed picture.

Keep reading and working on sight words. Have your child retell the story after they read to you. DRA testing is coming up and being able to retell is crucial to succeeding.